RoHS Testing & Certification

Use our accredited laboratories, for RoHS testing your next product.

What is RoHS Testing?

The European Union created the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive which requires suppliers of all types of electronic and consumer goods to that guarantee that their product is free of certain harmful chemicals. The specific chemicals currently prohibited under the RoHS 2 directive, are Lead (Pb), Mercury (Hg), Cadmium (Cd), Hexavalent Chromium (Cr(VI)), Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBB), Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDE).

Why Do I Need RoHS Testing For My Product?

If you wish to sell your product into the EU, documented RoHS compliance is required. Your product will be denied entry into the EU without the CE mark. You cannot use the CE mark unless your product complies to RoHS 2. In addition to the EU, certain states in the USA require RoHS testing, such as California. RoHS 2 testing includes all electrical products and related accessories including cables and other spare parts.

What Kind of Testing Do I Need?

There are several methods to conducting your RoHS testing. The most common form is a non-destructive XRF (X-Ray Florescence) test conducted by an accredited laboratory. In most cases, this should be sufficient for your testing and is the lowest cost option. If higher levels of the restricted materials are in found in your samples, then we need to conduct a more detailed chemical analysis like an ICP Test (inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry) of the product in question.

RoHS Restricted Compounds Are All Around Us

It costs less to produce products using the restricted materials that RoHS prohibits. RoHS testing ensures your products are safe for consumers, is required by many vendors, and is pre-requisite to sell to the EU .

How Much Does RoHS Testing Cost?

For a typical consumer sized product, we can conduct a full, non-destructive, analysis of your product and provide you with a complete certification within 3 weeks.

Typical RoHS testing starts at $999.

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RoHS Compliance Isn't Only About Testing

Beyond the testing our experienced engineers will provide you with all the documentation and labeling needed for your companies technical files and ongoing support.

RoHS Testing

What is RoHS?

RoHS is the short name given to European Directive 2002/95/EC, which was created by the European Union to restrict the use of certain hazardous materials then commonly used in electrical and electronic products.

What sort of materials are not allowed by RoHS?

The original RoHS certain core substances, lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), hexavalent chromium (CrVI), polybrominated biphenyls (PBB), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE), and four different phthalates (DEHP, BBP, BBP, DIBP).

So what is RoHS 2?

RoHS 2 was an updated version of RoHS, which is European Directive 2011/65/EU. In the original scope of RoHS the banned substances were limited in scope to those being used in the manufacture and assembly of electronic products. Under RoHS 2, the scope of testing was expanded to cables and other related spare parts of electronic products. The EU continues to update RoHS and the list of prohibited materials continues to grow.

I do not want to sell in the EU, why should I care about RoHS?

RoHS compliance originated from the EU, and is required for any company selling electronics into the EU under CE. However, RoHS compliance is required currently for any company wishing to sell electronics in California and other states have certain restrictions on the same materials that are prohibited under RoHS. Many retailers and vendors will require your product to be RoHS compliant even if you are not intending to sell into Europe.

How many samples do you need?

Typically we can conduct testing off of no more than two samples. If no prohibited compounds are found, than we can issue a compliance report. However, if restricted materials are found we may need additional samples and will to conduct more detailed testing to identify where the restricted materials are in your product.

I am not certain if my product requires testing?

If you are uncertain if your product requires RoHS testing, just contact us today for a consultation regarding your product. We assist many companies in understanding CE requirements and putting together a comprehensive compliance program. We can assist in your RoHS and other compliance needs.

Let Us Conduct Your RoHS Testing.

Full Lab Results and Certifications within 3 weeks.

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